And that kids is why you should always start in Greenland
7 years ago by milton · 1138 Likes · 12 comments · Popular
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· 7 years ago
The real way to play is to be subtle. Don't get any symptoms. If any mutate devolve them immediately. Focus entirely on transmission and resistance. Do not evolve ANY symptoms until every last person is infected. This will be very slow going for a long while. But then. When every person is infected, and you've saved up enough points, go for the kill. Go through the stomsch the lungs and the brain. Go for as many lethal options you can while also preventing people from working on the cure. By the time they're aware of how dangerous it is, it'll be too late.
· 7 years ago
Good advice to start with but from what i understand it doesn't always work with some of the other disease types
· 7 years ago
Nanovirus means the whole world is already on max alert so subtlety is lost. Bioweapon gets naturally more lethal with time so you gotta infect really fucking fast.
· 7 years ago
My exact strategy, guest go for maximum contagious factor, with maybe a light cough or runny nose for that extra spread factor.
· 7 years ago
Or any other of the Big Six which includes Morroco, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and, of course, Greenland.
· 7 years ago
I usually start in India or China
· 7 years ago
I always start in one of those 6 places
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· 7 years ago
Morroco is so fucking annoying. It has a land and sea border and it's poor as fuck and it's in god damn africa but I can still more reliably infect greenland and madagascar before morroco.
· 7 years ago
But with regards to where I start, I used to start greenland because it's a bitch to get to but I read something interesting and now I'm starting in...saudi arabia? Because fuck those people first of all, but also because they have all three border types, their next door neighbor is egypt who also has all three border types, and the sauds are literally the center of all of the african/european/asian commute routes.
· 7 years ago
I usually went for population numbers and make my big super contagious with almost no symptoms save for cold like things, 9 out 10 times the whole world was screwed before things started getting locked down.
· 7 years ago
What is this?
· 7 years ago
Plague inc.