Unfortunately no. I've known too many who refused to "babysit" their own kids so mom could do the shopping or HEAVEN FORBID get a bite to eat with a friend.
· 7 years ago
That's not nice y'all. There's a reason why both are called parents.
My mom and dad used to take shifts to take care of me. This said, my dad used to work till late nights and used to go early in the morning, yet he would do the night shift. Cause mom did the whole day. He used to be really sleep deprived and used to sleep all day of Sunday.
My Mom always says that, he was a real careful person with me. He baby proofed the flat within hours once I started to crawl. He is the best.
And That's how you do father.
That is definitely how it should be. Even a stay at home mom, or really, especially, a stay at home mom, needs a break to recharge or decompress, especially with younger kids. Meanwhile I have also known a father who worked 60 hrs a week and still made time to lead boy scouts and be really involved with the kids.
If I wouldn't have done it my baby would've died! its bad enough that the first 5 months of his life he spent 8+ hours uncared for while I worked. I remember many mornings (every day actually) where I came home tired as hell while the 'mother' had a full night's sleep and my first activity was to feed and change my kid's very badly soiled diapers, her words were often 'good your home, now do your other job, or take care of your hellspawn' So yeah when people refer to a father as 'just a babysitter' I get pissed off!
· 7 years ago
Man.I am so glad you cut her off from your life. She sounds like human embodiment of cancer.
that's not my point. fathers should be taking care of all that is necessary and then some, permitting serious health problems, but as long as they're doing that, they can put whatever term they like on it.
My mom and dad used to take shifts to take care of me. This said, my dad used to work till late nights and used to go early in the morning, yet he would do the night shift. Cause mom did the whole day. He used to be really sleep deprived and used to sleep all day of Sunday.
My Mom always says that, he was a real careful person with me. He baby proofed the flat within hours once I started to crawl. He is the best.
And That's how you do father.