In most countries like this being able to afford a plane ticket there automatically makes you more wealthy than most. The wealthy have advantages anywhere, and tend to see and live in the more beautiful parts of rich countries too. I suppose it would be hypocritical to wake up in a move house to a full fridge and a beautiful view, knowing I have more in my measly checking account than many Haitians make in a year- to call out a rich traveler for having more than those Haitians too just because they also have more than me. Perhaps to its hypocritical to judge based on a few photos. I suppose if you only saw photos of certain parts of America you'd see it as a hell hole too, but if you only saw other photos you'd believe it was paradise, when in truth its patches of both all mixed up in as countries tend to be. The only way to really say without risking being a hypocrite too much I suppose would be to live in that place for many years as a local would and see for yourself.
Compared to most countries, America IS a paradise. Plenty of food and water, And there are plenty of jobs, too, if you know where to look, and you can keep your pride in check.
Compared to most countries yes. But this comparison is relative. That's the point. But to those who don't live in America- say you live in Thailand. Thailand doesn't have the wealth or "standard of living" that America does, but I'm sure that not every Thai person wants to live in America. I'm sure many or most enjoy their daily lives and go through their daily struggles without walking around thinking about The UK, Canada, America, etc, and they don't think they live in a shit hole just because they don't live in one of those countries. When you talk to people abroad most are very proud of their homes and enjoy life there despite their problems. When someone with more comes in and tells you that because you don't have what they do you are living in a terrible place or are somehow so unlucky just to have to wake up and live your life everyday, how would you feel about that? Having some rich guy who doesn't have to worry about half the things you do passing judgement?
I know what it's like to live in a third world country, believe me because I am from one...and there's no judgement in my post. I was simply pointing out how your quality of life can be so different based on how much money you have. I legit never said that they live in a shit hole like bruh stop getting offended by something that's not even supposed to be offensive!
Who said I was offended, and more over when I speak of judgment it's in the second post in reply to someone else. Obviously money influences quality of life anywhere. That was my point. Wether you travel or not you'll tend to only see the beautiful side of things if you have money, you have more choice over what you see, most people will choose to see beautiful things if given the chance.
According to World Bank, more than 59 percent of Haitians lives under the national poverty line of US$2.41 a day, while 24 percent of the population lives under the extreme poverty line of $1.23 a day, or $448.95 a year.
One night at the Wahoo Bay (254.00 US per night) costs more than half the annual income of a quarter of Haitians.
Very insightful Conan. Thanks a million
Fun fact: this photo was taken while Conan was in Haiti shooting a special in response to alleged comments that it was a "shit hole." He was accosted by an angry mob of citizens who accused him of being another rich American journalist there to exploit the suffering in Haiti and overlook its positives such as "our beautiful beaches." After that conman traveled north to show off the natural splendor. The overall point is that (paraphrasing in part Conan) Haiti does have problems, ones most people will never face or be able to truly relate to. But it's also a country with many wonderful people and attributes. People with dignity who like those in many countries know they have problems but are proud of and love their home, and don't want people to pity them or think of their home as a shit hole.
Is it patronizing to listen to a local who tells you their country isn't shit? Or is it patronizing to say that local obviously doesn't know enough to realize how shitty their home is unless you tell them so? Lemme give you a small scale example. Your home isn't the nicest house on earth, your family isn't perfect. So let's say someone comes over to point out how shitty your home is, how disfunctional your family. Then another and another. From the perspective of these outsiders you're poor trash and they can't imagine living like you. They pitty you openly for the world to see. You tell them "but look at how beautiful our flowers are!" If they nod and say "oh... umm... yeah..." maybe that's patronizing. But if they genuinely look and appreciate it maybe they aren't patronizing you but admitting that there is something they can point out to appreciate instead of another thing to show how horrible your life is. Maybe despite them being repulsed by your life you mostly like it.
@guest_ I don't like you too much... Well, I don't think that's the right way to put it, but it's the closest approximation my limited emotional vocabulary can muster up, but while I might not always agree with you, I gotta say, I respect your way of thinking. I still think Conan is an asshole, though.
Haiti is a literal shithole; there isn’t one water treatment plant in the entire country.
· 7 years ago
They literally have below average IQ, shit education, and few, if any, water treatment plants.
Conan, don't do this just because Trump said something you don't like. If he said that countries like this need no American help, you'd be in the poorest part of Haiti in seconds just to show what one little building you built will make a change.
You can help a person without tearing away their dignity. If you want people to throw hand outs and charity auctions tell them how shitty a place is. If you want people to visit, consider living, investing, show them that despite the downsides people live, love, and laugh there just like you do. I agree he could frame it better, but saying Haiti is beautiful as a country doesn't counter any of what you said. You can say America is beautiful without pointing out we have mass shootings, and without saying mass shootings aren't a problem in America. The two things aren't related. People like simple and one sided news. We don't want to have to think or engage. We want to be told in simple terms but you'll never get a complete picture that way. Due to the binary nature of news painting things as good or bad, the closest we come to personal experience as an indicator of fact is taking what you know is "bad" and "good" being reported about an issue and trying to reconcile the two.
One night at the Wahoo Bay (254.00 US per night) costs more than half the annual income of a quarter of Haitians.
Very insightful Conan. Thanks a million
Patronizing also = spending money on something, being a patron
Conan, don't do this just because Trump said something you don't like. If he said that countries like this need no American help, you'd be in the poorest part of Haiti in seconds just to show what one little building you built will make a change.