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· 7 years ago
Yeah but did you know the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?
· 7 years ago
Tax forms come with instructions. If that's too much for you, there is software out now that will hold your precious little hand through the whole process. Unfortunately, there are no participation medals or stickers at the end, so you may need to find a safe space to rebuild your fragile self esteem once you've completely your taxes.
· 7 years ago
You must be real fun at parties..if you even get invited to them
· 7 years ago
While venomous I have to say the popular sentiment of whining over not learning taxes is annoying. School didn't teach me to wipe my bottom, catch a train or bus; it doesn't teach you to face your own mortality. There's much you won't learn in school. Taxes are so well documented and there are so many ways to get help they didn't see the point in wasting time on it when they already barely have time to give a proper basic education to prepare kids to pursue any possible future they may decide on years later. Life experience is learned through life. Much of how your life will be and how well you do depends on your ability to figure things out for yourself. School taught you to read, follow directions, research, and ask questions. If you can complain online about taxes you have the skills and ability to google how to do taxes or find an accountant or tax software. Lastly- there is school to learn taxes. Accountants go to it. You can too if you want.
· 7 years ago
That was beautiful, almost poetry @guest_
· 7 years ago
Thank you.
· 7 years ago
Exactly how complicated can your taxes possibly be that it takes more than 30 minutes through TurboTax or some other free service?
· 7 years ago
Taxes can get complicated if you have a lot going on. They don't make it easy.
· 7 years ago
They don't. But they don't make much easy. Those who figure out how to make it easy, or how to get around the problem by other means are usually those who excel.
· 7 years ago
Ask your parents. That's not what schools are for.