If it was about the method the teacher wouldn't have had him do them on the board. Teacher got mad he was wrong and failed him. Happened to me before. I had a teacher fail me because I wasn't using the method he taught when I'd just transferred that day and he knew that and he never showed me the method he wanted he just kept failing me.
· 7 years ago
School is more about regurgitating what you’ve been shown than by applying actual knowledge. He knew the basics, he knew the teachers method, but his method was more effective for him. This is how schools are failing their students, with the “repeat what I show you and don’t think outside the box” mentality
I agree. Also, the modern education system is simply to teach students for exams. That's what it all comes down to. Gone are the days of actual learning and love for knowledge.
This popped up a while back, and some good comments defending the teacher were actually given, so here goes :
Unless the dude can have his method for solving the problems proven to work in EVERY case (every single one, no exception), and have that peer reviewed then he can't use his method. Maths is a lot of small tools and rules that you add together to make complicated stuff, his method might work for now, but how will it behave when you start doing more complex things ? Because if you can't use it then, then not knowing the 'official' method will become a real problem.
Now it might be a bit harsh to fail him, since if he did come up with his own method the dude just might be a genius, but it's not all black and white as you all seem to mention.
If a teacher fails you because you used a different method than the one taught in class BUT that other method has been proven to be equally valid then the teacher is a bad teacher. But that's a BIG but.
There was a mathematical system called Lattece or something like that , that was being taught to kids about ten years ago in some Michigan school systems. The kids would get the correct answers but they could not explain how the process worked. I don't know if the system had flaws or not but I am glad it's gone. I was blessed with excellent elementary teachers, that taught us to think, learn and problem solve. Teaching test has destroyed the American educational system.
Unless the dude can have his method for solving the problems proven to work in EVERY case (every single one, no exception), and have that peer reviewed then he can't use his method. Maths is a lot of small tools and rules that you add together to make complicated stuff, his method might work for now, but how will it behave when you start doing more complex things ? Because if you can't use it then, then not knowing the 'official' method will become a real problem.
Now it might be a bit harsh to fail him, since if he did come up with his own method the dude just might be a genius, but it's not all black and white as you all seem to mention.
If a teacher fails you because you used a different method than the one taught in class BUT that other method has been proven to be equally valid then the teacher is a bad teacher. But that's a BIG but.