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· 7 years ago
Okay, but tsunamis come of incredibly fast and with little to no warning, its part of what makes them so deadly. Are you just going to cart that thing around with you everywhere? Or do we just hope one happens to strike while we are home?
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
They are not like earth quake where all is calm than everything is shacking. There is a build up. And the woman lives really close to the beach. She got it in case she is at home and can't get out in time. She got a 2 seater so it holds her and her dog.
· 7 years ago
There is a build up, but more often than not its not enough time to get home and into this. It's why people are washed away in such numbers, they don't have time to get to safety once the signs appear.
· 7 years ago
Chances are if the woman isnt home she won't risk it by going home. I mean she life's right next to the beach. The pod is only if she is at home when it happens.
· 7 years ago
looks like would be a fun ride, just hope not get buried after the event and suffocate
· 7 years ago
Didn't they stop that one bad kid from Mother/Earthbound with that? Where he essentially was immortal but also unable to get out?