I've actually never received a valentine gift and I'm nearly 22... I'm sad now. No wait i got a tiny teddy once from a girl who was my friend but she gave those to like everyone so ya not sure if that counts.
That’s me in four years... it’s fine, I fill the void in my heart by sending bad valentine’s meme cards to everyone I know. My current favorite is Saruman saying, “A new power is rising.”
Y'all act like there aren't other ugly boys or girls out there. Probably not what you wanna hear but damn maybe lower your standards, stop waiting for someone to ask you first and maybe develop a personality that's likeable instead of pouting like "BBBBUH BUHHHHUBUH SO UGLEE NO LOVE ME BECAUSE UG"
If you can't do that then shit get used to being alone like me lmao Trust me being in a relationship is cool and all but it's also a lot of extra work. Think about that next time you're home alone with peace and quiet and nobody else occupying your space.
I'm reasonably pretty but I only step out to go to class or buy groceries, and I'm shy as fuck. I've had about 5 guys hitting on me (in a respectful way, I don't include cat calls) but I wasn't that interested. Soyup, 20 and I've never had a boyfriend.
If you can't do that then shit get used to being alone like me lmao Trust me being in a relationship is cool and all but it's also a lot of extra work. Think about that next time you're home alone with peace and quiet and nobody else occupying your space.