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· 7 years ago
This comes up a lot, especially when you're younger but even as you get older. In the end, that person has an advantage. Most all of us do in some way or another over at least someone else. Wether being "taken care of" hampers development is questionable and depends on the individual. If she didn't think he was responsible and able to handle himself why marry him? So yes, his parents help make his life easier, but is that so contemptuous? That's usually not what really bothers people. What bothers people is ungratefulness, entitlement, and obliviousness/carelessness that other people don't have what you do. But most people get help from their parental figures be that in the form of housing, money, help in crisis, tuition, insurance, inheretence, co signing credit etc. So we really shouldn't shame people just for having an advantage, only for negative behaviors that they exhibit.
· 7 years ago
Well seeing that I borrowed cars owned by my parents before I became financially stable after going through a very expensive legal battle, (was 25 or 26 at the time.) its not an issue per say, cars are extremely expensive and difficult to buy without either going into debt or having other help. I agree that his wife needs to back off and be happy he has a vehicle even if he only co-owns it.