@riyriamisborn I agreed w/ chilled and sero... but fuck... your mom won.
Anyway, half the point is that he's super-stealth... so you aren't actually supposed to be able to see it. It's like batman with shadows illuminated only by gun fire.
Look- there aren't too many people who somewhere deep down don't wish they could do or say whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Tragically at some point the world population increased above 1. Since that day humans living together peacefully have had to think about other people and try to get along- and have since been largely unable to do anything they want at any time. Now- its much easier to get away with not considering other types of people in countries that don't have many other types of people. Some countries like China tend to be much more homogenous than the US. they also don't have quite the same depth and scope of history in certain areas of race relations the US does. This means they have a very different culture. Try insulting Chinese culture and government while in china though and you'll see that people there can be offended by racial comments. Its not the promised land of bigots and sociopaths, the search must continue. Sorry.
Anyway, half the point is that he's super-stealth... so you aren't actually supposed to be able to see it. It's like batman with shadows illuminated only by gun fire.