But according to the novels, there were female agents. You don't have to make a female 007, just create a female 00# agent and give her her own backstory and adventure with MI6.
They should have HER cameo in the next bond film, and have him be like "Omg, I can't believe its her. She's a legend." or something. And then she gets her own movie. Kinda like Wonder Woman I guess.
Is this sarcasm or not? Cuz the writer for the Capaldi first season killed the show for me because they were so intent on pushing Clara it was a nightmare.
Not sarcasm. But in a funny serious way. I feel like it's just too weird. The doctor said that he'd never become a woman and it's been a tradition for the doctor to be male since the 60s.
Actually, with Doctor Who, that's still plausible. If we can have a multitude of male Doctors, then why not female? Honestly, I just refuse to judge a new Doctor until they actually get a few episodes aired. Maybe they chose a female because of current events, but still, at least wait a bit, and judge her based on how well she plays the role.
The Doctor is a sexless alien. Doctor Who is a show with a time and space travelling police box, cybermen, a plenitude of crazy alien races and wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. And you have a hard time believing that the Doctor can be a woman? C'mon. Doctor Who is one of the few exceptions where a female character makes sense.
So yeah, I agree with Jack here, I refuse to judge it before I see it. The writing is still going to be done by the same awesome people so I don't believe a female Doctor will screw it up in any way.
I understand that in the doctor who universe it's plausible, but people are more upset that they decided to do it for diversity points rather than organically writing the doctor into a female form.
· 7 years ago
And you know this how, before anything aired? And what's with the "people are..."? Any time someone says "people say/think/believe etc." I think how Trump likes to use this to tell us what HE thinks.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
We weren't even talking about Trump, why'd you have to bring him up?
· 7 years ago
That was not about Trump but about this "people say that... " shtick in order to seemingly fortify your argument. This is a "rhetorical figure" of a 4th grader, but it has been made popular with grown ups by him.
He's not the one who came up with that phrase, and just because he uses it as well doesn't invalidate my argument. I never said " everyone " I said " people " because from my experience that's the reason why people said they're upset with suddenly changing the doctor to female and using that as marketing.
And I can kind of guess that that's the reason due to what other shows and movies are doing, since Hollywood is so keen on following patterns.
· 7 years ago
People say you have a tendency to take things very personal. I have no idea if that's true.
Alright so no point, you're just a troll. Makes so much sense in hindsight.
· 7 years ago
There's not too much of a point in my "people say... " excursion, however, the question remains, how - without having seen any material - you know "that they decided to do it for diversity points rather than organically writing the doctor into a female form". Let me guess: people told you?
I agree with hammerhead here, though you all have trailed off the point. Saying "people say that... people think that..." won't make your argument seem any more solid. No, you think that. Some people may agree but how do you know where's the majority? On the internet it's impossible to tell because some people are just louder than others but that doesn't mean they have more support.
Anyway, agenda or no, it already worked out pretty well with Missy. Also, David Tennant was cast as the Doctor because Eccleston wasn't very popular with the fans. You could say it was an agenda as well. But it turned out to be one of the best, if not the best decision in the history of the show. Every regeneration has the potential to represent an agenda, because the showmakers simply want to appeal to more people. So why is this one the controversial one? I don't know. But I'll judge it when I see it, not before.
leave doctor who alone...
So yeah, I agree with Jack here, I refuse to judge it before I see it. The writing is still going to be done by the same awesome people so I don't believe a female Doctor will screw it up in any way.
And I can kind of guess that that's the reason due to what other shows and movies are doing, since Hollywood is so keen on following patterns.
Anyway, agenda or no, it already worked out pretty well with Missy. Also, David Tennant was cast as the Doctor because Eccleston wasn't very popular with the fans. You could say it was an agenda as well. But it turned out to be one of the best, if not the best decision in the history of the show. Every regeneration has the potential to represent an agenda, because the showmakers simply want to appeal to more people. So why is this one the controversial one? I don't know. But I'll judge it when I see it, not before.