I'm not sure. In my view the comments seen oit of order now. Originally it went: rogues original comment>my tinder comment>rogues "I mean childhood" comment>my "in that case I couldn't say" comment. Now his childhood comment is above my tinder comment.
Wait okay I know my comment leads to confusion. It's supposed to say something like “didn't you/y'all have sleepovers?“
Also @guest_ maybe you accidentally hit the 'sort by time/like' button.
I mean, in the US pretty much everyone has sleepover when they’re kids, are you from outside the US? I always assumed it was a universal thing since it’s not so strange (in my opinion)
No I'm from the US and i went to one that my mom made me go to when j was really little and one at a friend's house because she needed a cover to meet a boy at a mall. No actual sleep overs.
When I was a kid we "camped" in a friends backyard a couple times in the summer- so I guess that's kind of a sleepover? But yeah, they weren't really a thing as far as I remember. But maybe it's regional/cuttural/socio economic/etc? I don't really remember sleeping at anyone's house or having anyone sleep over until high school- but it wasn't what I'd call a "sleepover" just crashing because we hung out so late it didn't make sense or there was no bus etc. to get home.
Also @guest_ maybe you accidentally hit the 'sort by time/like' button.