Yeah, practically every politician has or is using them and similar companies. I kinda wonder if anyone ever realized the shitty way they got their data cause I'm sure they were just all told "social media and internet" but not "we bought and took data from people with no consent". Manipulation tactics for politics is nothing new. The way data is used is.
Naive* And it hardly stops with Obama. One of the ways Bush managed to win re-election was that he had an incredibly sophisticated Get Out The Vote operations. They managed to work things down to a science, targeting people they believed to be either republican voters or those who could be and encourage them to vote. Even if it was a single house on a street, they'd visit just that one house. It was really interesting.
· 7 years ago
@zeus, do you use our information by default!?
Even with products you do purchase, you'll get used like this. I get it, this stuff is scary because we're well into the dawn of Big Data. But to imagine that you can simply run away from it all is unrealistic. Short of a hermit life up in the mountains, disconnected from society, is really the only way to get away from this.
This goes back to before the internet. Remember telemarketers?
· 7 years ago
Man just take it. I don't have my cards linked to Facebook so if the government wants to see all my memes and weird trap hentai go for it. I'm not the one who has to unsee it.
The Obama administration was praised for their "brilliant" use of data mining back in 08' and 12'.
This article was written to show why the Analytica mining was worse than the Obama article. But read it closely, even a biased article cant cover up that they did the same thing:
@zeus, do you use our information by default!?
Roasted by the gods