Ken Kawamoto was the project lead. He was still trying to find a company to produce it as of about a year ago. His Facebook used to have updates on the status- you could try checking it out and or following him to see. The retail price of it was estimated to be between $190-300, so cool as it is, unless they make one for quite a bit less I think I’ll stick with my weather app. That said the idea was just a project he made for himself DIY. it’s just a bunch of common science fair projects in a box with some coding and WiFi. If you have slight fabrication skill or access to a TAP plastic etc, and want to learn some coding you could concienvably make your own. My guess is between $0-150 in materials depending on your connections and what you have lying around
so it doesn't predict anything? It just gets a wifi signal and translate it into a little box that attempts at portraying the atmospheric conditions?
I mean... that's cool, just not nearly as cool as it could be.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Yeah it’s just a cool thing to have, no one is claiming it predicts just shows what is forecasted to be happening at the moment
Lol. As I understand it- it uses a broadcast source weather report and then carries out one of several effects like fog, lightening, rain, sun, etc. to mimic the weather forecast. It’s sort of decorative.
I mean... that's cool, just not nearly as cool as it could be.