Spread people out and get rid of these fictional country boundaries. People are people. Given time we will all become common.
Or don't you want to be common?
· 6 years ago
Fictional country boundaries?
You mean to say that we should all be one nation that's sharing one gov't, one culture, one currency, and one set of laws?
That is so far from happening.
Keep dreaming though.
· 6 years ago
We'd have a massive disaster or have a threat that wants to destroy humans in particular for that to happen.
Lol overpopulation isn't real we have enough space for everyone and everyone resources it's just greedy companies and individuals that will scare you into believing it
"eventually". How soon? We'll be cultivating other planets before our one gets too crowded. If you think the world is overpopulated, move to the Sahara desert. Plenty of space. If you find a way to grow food there, you'll make millions too.
· 6 years ago
We have an entire continent we don't live on plus Australia where nearly everyone lives on the coast. I know Antarctica is cold but that doesn't stop Alaskans, Russians, Scandinavians etc.
“Why do we label earth as overpopulated?”
“It’s too cold there and too hot over there”
Everyone living in extreme climates: laughs
· 6 years ago
Plus we could live on floating cities out at sea. 70% of Earth is water and we don't live on any of it. Or we could pull a Rapture and live in underwater cities.
Or don't you want to be common?
You mean to say that we should all be one nation that's sharing one gov't, one culture, one currency, and one set of laws?
That is so far from happening.
Keep dreaming though.
And better living conditions.
“It’s too cold there and too hot over there”
Everyone living in extreme climates: laughs