The first word is not even written correctly. If you really want to write it in a way that everyone can understand there are certain ways you have to do the letters. It's not at all that complicated.
American cursive done properly is not the same. This just seems chaotic to me and the differences in the swirls are too subtle to make out different letters.
· 6 years ago
That’s because this is also not done properly, Russian cursive done right is legible
English cursive is different from Russian cursive, seeing that the forms of some Russian letters do not look like their handwritten form, e.g. й, г, и, т
Plus, the letters used in the first word look very similar to each other when handwritten, especially when they're joined ( 'лишишь')
· 6 years ago
I know, but as far as I know (I’m still learning russian cursive so I could be wrong) the л needs a little upwards curve at the beginning to make it stand out
Cursive is supposed to connect at the top?