You know... there’s some debate to be had here over censorship and political correctness run amok... but to be honest? I grew up in a world where the bomb emoji, the gun emoji, all- emojis, they didn’t exist. They’ve been on this earth a very short time. There was violence before emojis, I’m guessing there will be after. I doubt good or bad there is any meaningful impact to changing emojis. By the same token that there are bigger problems and better uses of time by these companies than changing out to “peaceful” emojis, there are better uses of my time than worrying about emojis; or even using emojis. I’ll just have to think of better ways to comically express dated slang through pictures like: “this food was the bomb” or “drama bomb!” I may even have to resort to using words to express ideas. A true step backwards for humanity. Everyone knows that language evolves from primitive written thought, to communication via pictographic symbol. That’s anthropology 101.
Everyone sleeping with a full tummy bcz of those flags