Very misleading statistic and when CNN first posted that, they gave no methodology or source for that number. Even one shooting is a tragedy but use the correct information please.
I personally think it's misleading to include incidents of suicide, incidents of justified shootings, incidents where neither party was even a student or staff member, incidents where school wasn't even in session, incidents that were in school zones but not on campus, etc.
Octopus, this sounds heartless, but only eight shootings from 2010 and onwards had fatalities over 5, the highest being Sandy Hook. There are over at least 70 cases where only one person or less was killed, and there are 7 instances of no one being wounded, or killed, and one of those seven bloodless shootings had an instance where a frigging pellet gun cracked a school building window. I fail to see how this record on Wikipedia is supposed to scare me.
A pellet gun. Cracked a school window, and it classified under the same conditions, as the instance where 28 young children died. I find it hard to take that seriously.
Flyingoctopus my main point was that nobody is gonna take you or any news source seriously if you lump a pellet gun cracking a window or even suicides that aren’t a staff member or student along with shootings that involved the death of children by a gunman. When people see the words school shooting they imagine things like sandy hook or parkland, so when you call all those other incidents school shootings it shows intent to be misleading and if you want genuine change you have to talk about the real issues and come with important facts and statistics, not try to trick people into following along by convincing them all those “school shootings” resulted in innocent childrens’ lives lost at the hands of an assailant. You lose all credibility for a majority of Americans once you begin to do that.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
That's cause you're just supposed to accept the stats not question them.
Im not trying to discredit certain mass shootings on schools. I'm just pointing out that discharging a firearm in a school zone technically counts as a school shooting
· 6 years ago
Which is a bullshit definition.
Its like a robbery was anytime anything was moved from its rightful place.
One was a cop shooting a gang member in the parking lot of a shuttered and abandoned school. Anytown has violated and twisted the data to fit the narrative and you have bought the bullshit, smeared it on your toast and washed it all down with the kool aid.
This isn't even the full amount if total shootings... Just because the USA has trashy "news" and gun nuts, doesn't mean any gun violence statistic is fabricated by "left wing extremists"
Its like a robbery was anytime anything was moved from its rightful place.