If they are just friends I feel like they might be using the heart filter a little irresponsibly. Plus this seems deliberately formated to fit into the "friendzone" meme
Also, @grandma I have no real idea who you are, but people seem excited that you're here, so welcome back. Glad to see the reindeer didn't get to you!
So he does in fact have feelings for her, but she did also friendzone him and has kind of tried to make it clear. He has made subtle attempts at showing it all of which have lead her to make some less subtle hints as shown even though she also flirts with him somewhat. He is known for being one of the best fortnite players in the league so I was saying he should ditch her and stick to that.
That's one problem I have with this whole friend zone thing. So, you are just gonna ditch me when you find out I think of you as a friend. Why the fuck would you try and date someone who wasn't worth being friends with? If you can't be "just" friends with me you haven't any place dating me whether I feel that way about you or not.
Goddammit. Enough with that shit already. My friend and I live 45 minutes apart and have a busy fucking schedule. So, if I ever do a surprise visit, it makes her happy.
Geez, not everyone is friendzoned!
· 6 years ago
Guy and Girl: *arent actively fucking every second*
Incels and Idiots: LUL FRIENDZONED
Get over yourselves.
Well, if you actually read what trashman said, apparently he knows who these people are, and in this case friendzoning/girlfriendzoning does apply, whether you like it or not. It also sounds like they're more than well aware of how each other feels, AND that this meme type exists, which is why I say they're using the hearts irresponsibly. I have personally never perceived those as cutsey friendship hearts, and I can't recall a lot of scenarios where hearts floating over two peoples' heads *doesn't* indicate romance instead of friendship.
That being said, it is an over-used trope. I suppose I should have made it clearer when I said "one of these people," I was including the person who composed it as well.
· 6 years ago
What if they both had crowns or tiaras on their head? Does that imply that they are fucking Disney Princesses?
That would depend on the crown or tiara. Considering crowns and tiaras have a multitude of situational contexts and appearances, it could mean anything from they just had them lying around and are goofing off as friends, to "I'm actually the ruler of a foreign nation you weren't aware of," to "we're fucking FABULOUS, hitches."
It would also depend on their facial expressions, body language, and atmosphere around them.
Hearts are pretty much exclusively used to convey love. Or organ transplants, but that's usually a more realistic rendition, and not the shape potentially based on female reproductive organs. True, that love is NOT always romantic, but as I said, in almost every scenario I've seen people-- especially people of opposite genders, especially ones who apparently have a HISTORY of flirtatious behaviours-- place hearts over both of their heads while next to each other, it is intended to convey a romantic connotation
True, that shady guy with the ski mask and the black hoodie on a summer day with his hands shoved suspiciously in his front pockets might NOT be up to anything shady, but it's hardly unreasonable for people to think he might be
I use hearts in relation to my friends all the time. I also tell some of them I love them every day or so. I'm a very affectionate person who loves her friends extremely hard and shows it at every opportunity. That in no one way implies that I hold romantic feelings towards them.
I never said hearts can't be used to convey friendship? Actually, I believe, if you read the entirety of what I said, I made a point of acknowledging they can, indeed, be used to express non-romantic love.
What I said was (hopefully for the last time) that when you place hearts over the heads of two individuals-- especially individuals of opposing genders, who have apparently expressed flirtatious behaviour in the past-- it has almost always been used to indicate a romantic interest. Hell, people even use them to indicate joking romantic/sexual feelings towards inanimates such as pizza.
Is it always accurate? No. But there is a precedent there, and ignoring it and then getting annoyed by it doesn't make it's existence any less valid.
Also, @grandma I have no real idea who you are, but people seem excited that you're here, so welcome back. Glad to see the reindeer didn't get to you!
Geez, not everyone is friendzoned!
Incels and Idiots: LUL FRIENDZONED
Get over yourselves.
That being said, it is an over-used trope. I suppose I should have made it clearer when I said "one of these people," I was including the person who composed it as well.
It would also depend on their facial expressions, body language, and atmosphere around them.
Hearts are pretty much exclusively used to convey love. Or organ transplants, but that's usually a more realistic rendition, and not the shape potentially based on female reproductive organs. True, that love is NOT always romantic, but as I said, in almost every scenario I've seen people-- especially people of opposite genders, especially ones who apparently have a HISTORY of flirtatious behaviours-- place hearts over both of their heads while next to each other, it is intended to convey a romantic connotation
What I said was (hopefully for the last time) that when you place hearts over the heads of two individuals-- especially individuals of opposing genders, who have apparently expressed flirtatious behaviour in the past-- it has almost always been used to indicate a romantic interest. Hell, people even use them to indicate joking romantic/sexual feelings towards inanimates such as pizza.
Is it always accurate? No. But there is a precedent there, and ignoring it and then getting annoyed by it doesn't make it's existence any less valid.