About him having his eye pop out we had a dog named puggy who had his eye pop out.
What happen was he was an angry little old man dog. He hated my dog and when they were to close to each other they would fight. Well one summer we were at my grandparents in a tent in the backyard. One night the dogs fought and mid fight puggy's eye pops out. I mean completely out like dangling by cord cartoon style out. The second it happens my dog goes from angry to concern. Puggy is just like why can I see the floor AND in front of me at the same time? Someone explain!!!
We head to the emergency vet and on the way they say if they can't get his eye back in it will have to be surgically put in. Which my parents can't afford so this means we will have to put him to sleep. Puggy hears this and starts messing with his eye like NO I CAN FIX IT! And he does, it goes back in. My Dad an exEMT checks him and he was ok. We put a patch over his eye just to make sure he is fine and our dogs became budies lol
"Was it all worth it? ...yes, it was worth it."
Of course, it was: this guy has never shown any real comedic talent but still wanted to become famous in the entertainment business, so... doing stupid shit that may or may not injure him was kind of his only career option.
What happen was he was an angry little old man dog. He hated my dog and when they were to close to each other they would fight. Well one summer we were at my grandparents in a tent in the backyard. One night the dogs fought and mid fight puggy's eye pops out. I mean completely out like dangling by cord cartoon style out. The second it happens my dog goes from angry to concern. Puggy is just like why can I see the floor AND in front of me at the same time? Someone explain!!!
We head to the emergency vet and on the way they say if they can't get his eye back in it will have to be surgically put in. Which my parents can't afford so this means we will have to put him to sleep. Puggy hears this and starts messing with his eye like NO I CAN FIX IT! And he does, it goes back in. My Dad an exEMT checks him and he was ok. We put a patch over his eye just to make sure he is fine and our dogs became budies lol
Of course, it was: this guy has never shown any real comedic talent but still wanted to become famous in the entertainment business, so... doing stupid shit that may or may not injure him was kind of his only career option.