here's a fun story, one new year's night, got really drunk, woke in the night to throw up, couldn't find the flush, so decided to do it in the morning. Upon looking at the toilet, i realised i didn't feel tiles when looking for flush. Had sudden realisation, went to bed side drawer, opened it, there it was, left a $20 tip for the hotel maid as an apology
· 6 years ago
And that's near where I live... nasty little rugrat
What is it about boys? I have 5 brothers and each one plus a few exboyfriends all either been found out or admitted to peeing in a cup or bottle or something instead of going to the bathroom! I LEFT one boyfriend because I caught him peeing in the cats litter box. I asked what the fuck is he doing he said he had to go but didn't want to go to the toliet. He admitted to doing it alot he even pissed in the kitchen sink a few times.
What is so hard with going to a damn toliet?
I can understand if you are out about and you just can not make it so you run and hide and pee on a tree or something but IN YOUR OWN HOM!?!?!
Honestly if people can't walk the short distance to their home toilet to go, don't go into their home AT ALL. Pissing in a toilet is basic so imagine what else they do that you don't want to know about.
You know I understand this post is of a little boy who yeah is still probably trying to fully grasp the toliet thing. That is fully understandable and forgiven.
But full grown adult men need to use the damn toliet.
What is so hard with going to a damn toliet?
I can understand if you are out about and you just can not make it so you run and hide and pee on a tree or something but IN YOUR OWN HOM!?!?!
But full grown adult men need to use the damn toliet.