You’re not calculating how many thrusts in and out of the mouth occurred. You should research the average amount of succ’s it takes to ejaculate then multiple that number by 152.7
Id say a safe number is about 20 strokes per second and every minute is sixty seconds. 1200 thrusts per minute times 15 minutes. 18000 thrusts to nut. Times the average penis length, is 99000 inches of dick. 18.75 miles of dick.
Multiply that by 10001 dicks, and thats 187518.75 miles of dick.
That amount of dick laid end to end is equal to 7 and a half times around the earth.
Harry's a fucking whore.
If measured up by the average dick length (5.5 inches), he took 152.7 football fields worth of dick(length wise)
Id say a safe number is about 20 strokes per second and every minute is sixty seconds. 1200 thrusts per minute times 15 minutes. 18000 thrusts to nut. Times the average penis length, is 99000 inches of dick. 18.75 miles of dick.
Multiply that by 10001 dicks, and thats 187518.75 miles of dick.
That amount of dick laid end to end is equal to 7 and a half times around the earth.
Harry's a fucking whore.
Or not, now that I think it.
Oh my god ill have to redo my math.
Sigh, maybe later.
Since the world's been turning
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it