"Wow, nice suit! How'd you afford it?"
"Oh, I robbed the bank while everyone was out killing each other! It's weird, nobody was around, why don't more people do that?"
"Too busy killing people I guess"
"Yeah. Speaking of, did you hear that Steve died?"
"Really? Damn, I liked him."
"So, did you catch the game on Saturday?"
"Hey Jack! Was that my car you were driving to work today?"
"Why yes it was, Steve. Why do you ask?"
"...Can I have it back? My wife's gonna kill me next year if I don't."
"It was nice knowing you Steve."
"Oh, she got absolutely destroyed by a gang of men in pig masks."
"Oh, I robbed the bank while everyone was out killing each other! It's weird, nobody was around, why don't more people do that?"
"Too busy killing people I guess"
"Yeah. Speaking of, did you hear that Steve died?"
"Really? Damn, I liked him."
"So, did you catch the game on Saturday?"
"Why yes it was, Steve. Why do you ask?"
"...Can I have it back? My wife's gonna kill me next year if I don't."
"It was nice knowing you Steve."