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· 6 years ago
I mean- if it was like a magic book or something that guaranteed actionable and person specific methods maybe. They already have books on how to make 100mil. They are called scams. You could buy a ton of those... with your 100mil. How to make money is no secret. The particulars that help to make money aren’t had by everyone- at the very least there’s a drive or will involved, but more than anything it’s luck. The best stock brokers aren’t right all time and their whole job is knowing how to make money. So take the money. You now have enough money that you can make more money through investing, and can afford a financial planner and investment advisor to know how to make money for you. You can still learn yourself if you want, but why? Just pay someone to do the boring shit, that’s part of the point of having money.
· 6 years ago
Take the 100mil and get a goddam financial advisor or something