Society expects women to hide their breasts because babies suck milk from them and that makes them a "sexual" body part. But men can go on a diet and produce milk themselves so yeah, double standard.
Also I had a point but I'm hella tired but yall get the picture
I’m all for freeing the nipple, but breasts are sexual body parts. Most mammals only get breasts when pregnant/breastfeeding, but humans always have them. The reason for this isn’t fully known (at least not to me), but what is known is that men are hardwired to find breasts sexually attractive. Again, nothing against women going topless, but there is a difference
Fun fact. Humans are NOT hardwired to find breasts attractive. Go to African nations and other societies that have beasts exposed all the time and you'll find they generally dont gove a duck. Its western society that fetishizes breasts
· 6 years ago
They don’t give a fuck, sure, but in societies/groups where genitals are exposed all the time (like nudists) people don’t give a duck either. Doesn’t mean genitals aren’t sexual organs, just means people get used to it
Heres the difference tho. Genitals are made for having sex. Therefore they are sexual organs. Breasts are made for feeding children, and mens nipples are just left over from when your body didn't know if you were Male or female in the womb. You can receive sexual pleasure from having them played with sure, but you can have that same pleasure from having your neck kissed or your earlobe bitten. Does that make them sexual organs?
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Okay I looked it up and i have a slightly more detailed explanation: it used to be that human ancestors only got breasts when breastfeeding. This made it very obvious when a woman was not fertile, because she had breasts. When a woman isn’t fertile, men can’t get her pregnant, so in those days the woman was pretty much on her own (monogamy wasn’t really a thing). Then somehow women evolved having breasts all the time, meaning men couldn’t tell if she was fertile or not. This meant that men stuck around more, just in case. Of course, back when breasts signaled not being fertile men were not attracted to breasts, in fact it was quite a turn-off. Now, men would either have to lose all the genes required to find breasts unattractive, or they could simply switch unattractive to attractive. So yes, men are coded to find breasts attractive, and breasts have become a signal of good health (you need enough fat) and sexual maturity. Of course they’re not sexual organs in....
· 6 years ago
... the sense that they’re used in sex, but I don’t know a better term in English for it other than sexual organ.
· 6 years ago
Breasts normally aren’t for feeding children, if you let a baby suck on the nipples of a woman who isn’t currently breastfeeding, it won’t work, because the mammary glands aren’t activated.
Also I had a point but I'm hella tired but yall get the picture