Did you know there was one kid who survived falling down the falls unintentionally? All he had was a life vest on and was picked up by one of the boats that goes super close to the falls.
Never plan a vacation around seeing a national land mark and that is it. Trust me. lol my Dad once took us all to see Carlsbad Caverns thinking it be this big deal to go see. Lmao no it was awesome to see but than it was like cool so now what. It took an hour to see he thought it take the day. Nope lol luckily there was other stuff near by like Billy the Kid's grave and museum. And a really cool playground for us kids. But remember this was back when there was no internet to look stuff up. So he had no idea till he got there.
If you plan to do a land mark trip try to see what else there is to fill the trip.
If you plan to do a land mark trip try to see what else there is to fill the trip.