Keanu Reeves is the second coming of Christ
6 years ago by guest · 370 Likes · 2 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
Uh, I know I’m way behind in celebrity gossip but how did you figure out that Keanu Reeves is hung like a mule? Leaked photos? Common knowledge? Or firsthand experience?
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
John Wick 1-3? It’s sweet that so many people love Keaunu, but Keanu doesn’t like being a celebrity much. He doesn’t really “need” a lot of money and doesn’t want the attention. I don’t think it’s Hollywood not giving him a job- it’s that he only works on films when he wants or needs to. He takes on projects that interest him, but primarily focuses on living his life. He sees friends, explores, does hobbies and enjoys his music. He’s earned more money, hell- he’s given away more money than many people will earn in their lives. He doesn’t need to spend a year plus working 12+ hour days under hot lights with big egos, then do whirlwind tours of cities and talk shows and interviews and appearances to promote it- barely getting to sleep or rest or enjoy your time in a place or with a host; deal with screaming fans and a newly ravenous paparazzi now that your back at center stage in the limelight. He can do almost anything he wants on earth. While I’d love more films with him I respect that