This joke is popular, but wen you think about it, if they are a princess, and you are in a romantic relationship with them, the joke doesn’t work. The princess isn’t married off or bartered by her partner, it’s usually her father or a ruling council/care taker. The fact the princess is involved with you would mean that you are the one who’s alliance has been secured by her family through the joining of your two families in the case of betrothal. In the case of courtship you really don’t have any claimant rights to the princess as a suitor, you must marry or become betrothed to have those rights if any- and those rights traditionally wouldn’t include marrying your wife off or lending them to another suitor. The joke would only work if you were their father or patriarch and not involved in a romantic relationship, or at the very least in a dynamic where you called them princess and they call you daddy- which has its own issues I won’t discuss here. So in whole- this doesn’t work.
Yea she gonna marry the devil or something