Me: js, java, html, php, a little css, vb6.0, a little asm, a little c++ and c, and a few other script and programming languages. But i'm not sexy enough to be a model.. so.. Meh.
Her name is Lyndsey Scott. I didn't know who she was before this post, but she's very involved in programming and advocates for women and minorities in tech.
Women tend to leave tech studies/tech jobs because what is said in those comments are often what women are bombarded with every step of the way.
Technology, Law Enforcement and Medical (surgical and specialized) fields have higher sexism issues within the workplace and from the outer population.
Given her record she's still a massive pleb in the programming world. Stack overflow is not a good metric for anything. Theres massive amounts of miss-information there, and its only useful for looking up langauge syntax. iOS development is also exceptionally easy(React Native and Swift/iOS Objective C are actually a joke). iOS Dev and WebDev are both decently paying CS jobs, but they go hand and hand as being one of the most looked down upon careers because of little skill is actually required, regardless of gender. Guys get shit on all the time for going into this field
(C/C++/DirectX/OpenGL/x86 are currently my main API/languages btw)
Most women don't even go to STEM careers simply because they don't want to. The others leave because they realize they don't want to. Don't try to push an agenda just because some idiots are being sexist.
Your personal anecdotes do not change the truth. I can do a survey of five people and come up with the conclusion that 80% of people are female which is essentially what this anecdote is.
Women are even more capable of joining STEM fields than men. They get special treatment in High School, in college recruitment, in college classes, and scholarships for STEM fields. There are less women in STEM fields because women don't want to be in STEM fields.
· 6 years ago
Why are guys such faggots
· 6 years ago
The same reason females are.
Saying guys in general are faggots is shitty from you. Just sayin.
Dude. She wrote "why guys are such faggots". This means all guys. If she don't mean all she could had wrote "some guys".. But she didn't. She wrote "why guys are". So please stop to negate what she wrote. If i would write "why girls are such whores" you too wouldnt think that i just mean some girls. You would think that i mean every girl. So please stfu.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Im a guy ya faggot I know from experience. Boys in general are just terrible I ain't no exception why are we like this.
I hear what you're saying though and if it makes you feel any better I'm not just descriminating against boys, girls are shitty too but in less obnoxious ways imo
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Can't you argue without insulting me? Based on what i'm supposed to know you're male? Your username is basicly a flower with numbers (looks female to me), you don't have Selfies or other informations who tell anyone you are male. How tf we are supposed to know? Magic? Come on.
Technology, Law Enforcement and Medical (surgical and specialized) fields have higher sexism issues within the workplace and from the outer population.
(C/C++/DirectX/OpenGL/x86 are currently my main API/languages btw)
Here is a study done by female scientists that shows that women leave STEM fields because they can't handle the pressure - even though the same pressure is given to men:
In societies where women are given more choices to take STEM fields, they take less: More equality=Less women in STEM. It also shows that women have the advantage in STEM fields as well yet still don't join.
Women are even more capable of joining STEM fields than men. They get special treatment in High School, in college recruitment, in college classes, and scholarships for STEM fields. There are less women in STEM fields because women don't want to be in STEM fields.
Saying guys in general are faggots is shitty from you. Just sayin.
stfu you know what mayflower whatever the fuck meant
I hear what you're saying though and if it makes you feel any better I'm not just descriminating against boys, girls are shitty too but in less obnoxious ways imo