The issue isnt just that they're banning disposable plastics straws, they're banning ALL plastic straw products, and soon all plastic products. There are a lot of special needs children who cant use paper straws--the straws are not strong enough, so this is going to be just another added cost for those parents... when really California just sucks at Recycling.
I’m just curious why can’t they use paper straws
I agree with you tho Cali is annoying
· 6 years ago
A good question. A lot of the kiddos going through feeding therapy/have eating issues have timed meals. Total meal for example would be 24 minutes and you offer a sip that lasts no more than 4 seconds after 3-4 bites of food (number of sips may vary depending on the food). Between the extended time of use and the fact that the straw is going to be sitting in the drink for about a half-hour, they start to fall apart in the milk/drink over the course of the meal which actually becomes a bit dangerous because you dont want the kids swallowing the paper particulates... especially if they already have digestive issues this could do more than make them constipated, it could seriously back them up to the point of surgery being required.
@johnnyjohnny Many restaurants are switching to corn-based straws as an alternative. They have the exact same look and feel as plastic straws, don’t disintegrate as quickly, but are biodegradable. I cherry-picked this line from a Bloomberg article about paper straws but apparently corn straws also cost less: ‘Maynard-Parisi estimates that plastic straws cost about half a penny, corn-based cost 2 cents, and paper straws cost around 4 cents.’:
Same guest as before.
Then use silcone straws as a reusable alternative. They even come in different colors...
I mean, you aren't helping the kids either by leaving them a future in which their planet is polluted by plastic. And you need to start somewhere. Plastic straws are really an easily replacable thing.
· 6 years ago
Again, I want to see more data behind California and how they recycle because there are companies that would kill for an overabundance in recycled plastics--theres a lot of money to be made. If the answer is none of these businesses are allowed to operate in California then this seems less about them trying to save the world from pollution and more about virtue signaling.
I have metal straws with silicon tops. They are really good. Cheap too. I've recommended them to someone with such needs as described above. She used to bring her own plastic straws with her anyway, as I'm sure a lot of these guys do.
Australia is currently having similar issues to California. We are getting rid of plastic straws and most plastics because of the harm they do to the environment and marine animals (videos of turtles with straws stuck in their windpipes are just terrifying), and also because China will no longer take our recycling due to too many contaminants. And it blows my mind as to what counts as contaminants - I mean, it makes sense, but the average person wouldn't think of it, and has not been informed when recycling systems rolled out years ago.
Check out The War On Waste - it is a BRILLIANT and eye-opening show ,
The fact that you immediately go to name calling says more about you bud, turn the emotional dial down from a 10 to a 1. You could have said something about the success of the tech industry, solar power market... I'm not a fan of California and it's not doing great right now but there are positives.
Well, enjoy how well having the perceived moral high ground helps turn your willfull ignorance into something that makes any kind of sense.
I hope feeling like you've somehow struck a nerve makes you feel better.
· 6 years ago
What in the heck are you talking about? Did you have a rough day or something and you're just venting? None of what you said relates to anything being discussed on this post.
I agree with you tho Cali is annoying
@ guest If you want the kid to break their teeth or hurt their mouth... sure.
Then use silcone straws as a reusable alternative. They even come in different colors...
I mean, you aren't helping the kids either by leaving them a future in which their planet is polluted by plastic. And you need to start somewhere. Plastic straws are really an easily replacable thing.
Australia is currently having similar issues to California. We are getting rid of plastic straws and most plastics because of the harm they do to the environment and marine animals (videos of turtles with straws stuck in their windpipes are just terrifying), and also because China will no longer take our recycling due to too many contaminants. And it blows my mind as to what counts as contaminants - I mean, it makes sense, but the average person wouldn't think of it, and has not been informed when recycling systems rolled out years ago.
Check out The War On Waste - it is a BRILLIANT and eye-opening show ,
It suits you.
I hope feeling like you've somehow struck a nerve makes you feel better.
I knew you were a natural.