Try Trojan’s ‘Bareskin’ line instead, with a tiny drop of latex-friendly lube in the tip before you put it on. Added pleasure and I’ve never had one break yet. And trust me when I tell you - I know because I get a LOT of sex. *glances about nervously hoping everyone believes me*
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
That's a terrible review. The product did the exact opposite thing it was intended for and she gave it 4/5 stars. Come on.
Can you imagine this kid 40 years from now and his parents bring this up and are all... "we can even prove it with our amazon search history from the records bought by ebay or wait... (at this point amazon took over or did they)... and then was sold off and then the entire world entered a depression and for some reason the US decided nationalization was the smart move.
>b_>b thumb on the nose there?
>b_>b thumb on the nose there?