Ignoring the race flipping in the series, from what I'm reading the pre-screenings went really badly and the actual content of the movie/writing got horrible reviews.
My cousin is working on that show and he’s really proud of it so I just have to hold my tongue at family occasions...
Edit: accidentally called it a movie instead of a tv show
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Well from what I'm reading it had a huge amount of potential, but between production deadlines and them getting less funding than what they requested... a lot of concessions had to be made.
Yeah my cousin is an editor. And I’m sure he’s really proud of it and he’s a great editor so I’m sure he did the best he could, but it just puts me off. I’ll decide after I actually can watch it though
· 6 years ago
Yeah that's what sucks about situations like this, you may have super talented people working on it but the production company will only let them do so much so they don't blow the budget.
Edit: accidentally called it a movie instead of a tv show