Yeah but maybe the woman went for a quick answer instead of a real one (like "we don't make that kind of money", "that would be a waste", "the neihbours will complain", "you suck your thumb and you'll probably suck at this too") because she was too tired to explain/didn't want any discussion and banked on the fact that she'll probably never remember that.
I mean yes I get the point, but there IS a possibility she should just have stayed in her place as a stranger.
But anyways this is my unpopular opinion and I know even the guitar clapped.
Being tired isn't really an excuse for poor parenting.
She could easily have said "maybe some other time" or "not right now," or even just a flat out "no" instead if she's feeling too worn out for an explanation.
As for being poor being the excuse, there's absolutely 0% guarantee that telling the girl she can't play a guitar because she doesn't have the proper genitalia will discourage her from asking for OTHER toys once they get to the girl's section. What's this parent going to say then? "Sorry, those are only for a specific kind of girl."
Shit like that can stick with a kid it's entire life, and something you tell them directly to shape their world view is NEVER something you should bank on them "not remembering."
I mean yes I get the point, but there IS a possibility she should just have stayed in her place as a stranger.
But anyways this is my unpopular opinion and I know even the guitar clapped.
She could easily have said "maybe some other time" or "not right now," or even just a flat out "no" instead if she's feeling too worn out for an explanation.
As for being poor being the excuse, there's absolutely 0% guarantee that telling the girl she can't play a guitar because she doesn't have the proper genitalia will discourage her from asking for OTHER toys once they get to the girl's section. What's this parent going to say then? "Sorry, those are only for a specific kind of girl."
Shit like that can stick with a kid it's entire life, and something you tell them directly to shape their world view is NEVER something you should bank on them "not remembering."