Antarctica has had a tropical climate multiple times in earths history, as the climate exits the latest mini ice age the addition of moisture and warmer seasons will only serve to improve growing conditions. Can’t wait! Also the idea that we could achieve either an increase or decrease in the environments median temperature through pollution or taxation is ego-driven malarkey.
When Antarctica had a tropical climate, firstly, it wasn't in the place it is today and secondly, vast areas we are living on today were under sea level.
The tropical climate in these areas were triggered by massive influences to the entire climate, such as enormous vulcano outbreaks or space impacts (CO2, million tons of dust etc).
Humans having an impact on the climate change is a proven fact, same as the earth not being flat.
The tropical climate in these areas were triggered by massive influences to the entire climate, such as enormous vulcano outbreaks or space impacts (CO2, million tons of dust etc).
Humans having an impact on the climate change is a proven fact, same as the earth not being flat.