The best part is this is all based on an accidentally socially awkward exchange. The wikipedia entry on the Bielefeld Conspiracy says:
"When <the socially awkward person> met someone from Bielefeld at a student party in 1993, he said 'Das gibt's doch gar nicht', a phrase comparable to 'I don't believe it', signifying disbelief or surprise. However, its literal translation is 'That doesn't exist.'; thus he (accidentally) implied that he refuses to believe that someone came from Bielefeld. From there, it spread throughout the German-speaking Internet community, and has lost little of its popularity, even after 25 years."
· 6 years ago
can confirm this^^ but yeah, it's weird.. a little bit like a inside joke everyone in germany knows about, but without knowing why.
"When <the socially awkward person> met someone from Bielefeld at a student party in 1993, he said 'Das gibt's doch gar nicht', a phrase comparable to 'I don't believe it', signifying disbelief or surprise. However, its literal translation is 'That doesn't exist.'; thus he (accidentally) implied that he refuses to believe that someone came from Bielefeld. From there, it spread throughout the German-speaking Internet community, and has lost little of its popularity, even after 25 years."