Also if I made 86.400 everyday I wouldn't mind losing 86.390 to make a point
5 years ago by guest · 1314 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
sometimes the burn just develops deep. Super-volcanoes, vast traps opening, hilarious earthquakes? All are natural.
· 5 years ago
The meaaage is a good one, but the analogy is terrible. For instance- a large corporation will spend many times the cost of just paying a lawsuit to fight it. It isn’t about proving their “honor” it is about liability. If one employee dies for $50,000 and you pay or they win- there is a good chance that hundreds or thousands more employees will sue you for the same thing (which you’re already guilty of in courts making it an easy win,) or other things. By showing force and conviction you demonstrate a strong position that makes people not want to challenge you. Similarly, if someone took $10 from your account, what if they do that everyday? Or next time it is $100,1,000? To be Accurate the analogy must say that you get a direct deposit of $86k each day. So if you have to give up 1 days pay to make all of next weeks pay safe- it is wise. Just as paying a bill today to avoid an extra late fee later is wise. The catch is that- wether it is worth sending a message or not....
· 5 years ago
.... If you work everyday with someone, and expect to keep working with them for awhile, and they are “stealing money from your account,” spending time to set them straight makes sense. That person who cut you off in traffic, or that random stranger? Maybe not. You’ll likely never see them again and they are unlikely to remember you or take any lesson from it other than that they don’t like you if they do. They don’t know who you are and you are unlikely to ever see them again so unless you let them, the most they’ll ever get is what they already took. So the take away is yes- there’s no sense in “cutting off your arm to spite your hand” or in being miserable over some little thing, but there is a time and place to stand and put effort into sending a message. The productive person knows when to walk away, and when to invest time in fixing something.