A man and a woman were walking through the streets of Russia. The man looks up at the sky and says "look dear, its starting to rain". The wife replies "no it isnt, its snowing". They argue for a while, until a communist priest walks by. The husband says "hold on, I got this", and walks over to the priest. "This is my friend, he knows how the weather is. Excuse me Rudolph, is it raining or snowing?" The priest looks up and says "my son, is raining". The husband looks back at his wife and says "you see? Rudolph the red knows rain, dear"
Go to the beginning of Joshua Allen Green's Twitter and read his tweets. They're amazing - he's one of the few who gets what Twitter should be - amazing, terrifying little stories. (The recent ones aren't as legendary - it's worth scrolling for a minute.)
My Applebees comment was loosely inspired by one of his tweets:
That last mudslide pushed me from "Abba is so good you guys" to "This whole Applebees is my personal urinal."
What an inspiration.. His Twitter handle is "fireland."
Are you a funny guy, dr?
You‘ll have to explain the joke, dr. I may have misunderstood it
Cap, here‘s a blanket
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose“
My Applebees comment was loosely inspired by one of his tweets:
That last mudslide pushed me from "Abba is so good you guys" to "This whole Applebees is my personal urinal."
What an inspiration.. His Twitter handle is "fireland."
‘and stuff?‘ Explain, Jason
How did your day go, guys?
I‘m on 3. Does it have a happy ending?