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· 6 years ago
Eh.... Boston and Seattle were both awesome when I was in this economic conundrum. My timing was on point though.
· 6 years ago
South FL is expensive AF.but you can enjoy the beach for little money (parking fee) if you plan it well and you do find many things to donfor free. We do that a lot and people think we are spending money doing it. They don't believe is it is free
· 6 years ago
Rich or poor- how boring a thing is depends more on you than circumstances. A child or an adult with imagination can have fun playing with trash. You won’t likely be riding jet skis, BASE jumping, partying with the stars or anything like that if you’re broke- but you can find architecture, hidden gems, parks, public exhibitions- and more. Fun is where we find it.
· 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Nah when you’re really poor, you don’t have time for all that because you’re working another job and gas is expensive. Your definition of broke is different from other people’s.
· 6 years ago
I had a lot of fun when I had no money. Just a six pack in a friends house and playing Doninos. Now I have mostly bills to pay
· 6 years ago
@guest- I was never bored when I was so poor I was working multiple jobs because I was always busy. No time to be bored. But if you go poorer than that- you don’t have any bills. You don't have a home or a car or a job. I’ve been that broke too. When you’re so broke that broke means you have only what is on your back- you can get pretty bored if you let yourself. A lot of people turn to drugs or alchohol at that point to numb the pain and boredom. But that’s sort of the point of my first post- boredom isn’t dependent on money. It’s easier to not be bored when a person can easily afford whatever makes them not bored- but even if you have nothing there is a public library not too far away, or a new corner of town, a new vista, there’s always something. One of the most important survival skills a person can learn is how to keep their mind engaged. Even lost in the wilderness boredom is a challenge- and one that can get a person killed. So it’s all relative.