Lmao yeah and he said this is Allen to a T and he plans to find the cat's list because he just knows it says fuck with John at least 10 times a day lol
No he is a lone cat lol he does what he wants when he wants lol
But I do have 2 cats that are thick as thiefs Zipper and Coujo
Those two work together.
Because of how clever our cats are we keep their food in our closet in the hall inside a suitcase that zipps up.
Unbeknownst to me there is a hole that leads from behind a cabnit in our bedroom to this closet.
See their food is these soft food that each serving for each cat is in a little bag.
I noticed one day the suitcase was open and bags were missing. I look in the room just in time to see zipper dropping a bag to Coujo and than went back to get another. When she came back she sees me drops the bag meows like shit coujo turns sees me and just slowly sits on the bag like she was trying to hide it.
Boogie was her sweet self sitting on her pillow taking a nap.
Those 2 got food just for themselves lol.
@mrscollector =^·^= Lol. What‘s the name of their duo? Zippco? Coupper? Those 2 are getting wiser haha. I hope they don‘t carry out a Coup d'état lol. Seems like you‘d have to lock their food in metal box or something. In a cartoon, Boogie is the sweet lil angel. Allen‘s the ‘devil.‘ And Zipper and Coujo are the ‘rogues.‘ Your husband and you are the ruling heads. Your house is your country...wait, I see the problem now, you need to hire security/law enforcers. It would spoil Zipper and Coujo‘s plans. That, or it could make them form a secret society.
Security is handled by our dog Mia lol a Chihuahua. She always has.to break up cat fights and stop them from going crazy lol.
But I don't know what my other 2 cats would be lol Marshie and Starky. Marshie suffers from Anxiety and Starky is a little kitty live wire lol. He is probably only a few months old yet bigger than Boogie and the wildest cat we have. Even Allen bops him as if saying "Chill MAN!"
Tell Mia she needs to step up her game cuz food‘s going missing, privacy‘s being violated, damage is being caused, the pot is being stirred, and time is ticking lol. Marshie could be the secret snitch that doesn‘t like chaos. She tries to stop trouble by reporting it before it happens. Starky could be the bouncer. Those cat muscles should be handy in taking care of troublemakers.
Marshie is a he lol but yeah those would be good. Lol
Marshie is short for Marshmallow even though he looks like a marshmallow covered in peanut butter so his nickname is fluffanutter like a marshmallow and peanut butter sandwich lol.
He is really like a stool pigeon, a snitch, like in prison lol.
And Starky is a brute but he gets away with it by being super cute.
His name is short for Tony Stark lol my husband names him. So figures lol.
^^‘ Oh, I‘m sorry lol. Aww, now I‘m curious to see Marshie. Atleast I guessed the snitch part right lol. Yay, I guessed right about Starky too! =^·^= Oh I get his name now. Starky needs to get working on being like Tony then :P
But I do have 2 cats that are thick as thiefs Zipper and Coujo
Those two work together.
Because of how clever our cats are we keep their food in our closet in the hall inside a suitcase that zipps up.
Unbeknownst to me there is a hole that leads from behind a cabnit in our bedroom to this closet.
See their food is these soft food that each serving for each cat is in a little bag.
I noticed one day the suitcase was open and bags were missing. I look in the room just in time to see zipper dropping a bag to Coujo and than went back to get another. When she came back she sees me drops the bag meows like shit coujo turns sees me and just slowly sits on the bag like she was trying to hide it.
Boogie was her sweet self sitting on her pillow taking a nap.
Those 2 got food just for themselves lol.
But I don't know what my other 2 cats would be lol Marshie and Starky. Marshie suffers from Anxiety and Starky is a little kitty live wire lol. He is probably only a few months old yet bigger than Boogie and the wildest cat we have. Even Allen bops him as if saying "Chill MAN!"
Marshie is short for Marshmallow even though he looks like a marshmallow covered in peanut butter so his nickname is fluffanutter like a marshmallow and peanut butter sandwich lol.
He is really like a stool pigeon, a snitch, like in prison lol.
And Starky is a brute but he gets away with it by being super cute.
His name is short for Tony Stark lol my husband names him. So figures lol.