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· 6 years ago
Just because some people live long and are able to exercise at that age does not mean everyone else is lazy. People die young. People die in freak accidents every day. Some people have parents who did not teach them the importance of eating right and exercising. Many people had parents that didn’t care or weren’t around. Some people have bad knees, bad hips, bad backs. Some people have chronic pain, anxiety, depression, anemia, knock knees, bow legs, flat feet, fucked up cartilage, double joints that hurt, and so much more. It really irritates me when I see posts like this. Good for him! I’m glad he’s happy and healthy but there’s no reason to shame everyone else on the entire planet. Not everyone can be so lucky.
· 6 years ago
My grandpa works out everyday
· 6 years ago
My excuse is I can't live for 104 years