Maybe Mexico will pay for kids' education instead
6 years ago by greenwich · 864 Likes · 20 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
Its not nice. -an american.
· 6 years ago
Seems like they are on a path to getting free education, last I heard a few states have it. Hopefully it will become the whole country.
· 6 years ago
There is no such thing as free education. Either way, they are going to be paying for university/college one-way or another, either for themselves or through taxes when they start working.
· 6 years ago
Taxes take care of it much more efficiently, and make education feasible for all classes.
· 6 years ago
You can't get Americans to pay for someone else like they do almost everywhere else in the world.
· 6 years ago
Taxes take care of very little more efficiently. Example - DMV. Tax dollars. Government employees who cant be fired, have ridiculous benefits, dont give a fuck, and are overseen by a bureaucratic nightmare machine into which they have very little input or autonomy to make smart decisions. That having been said, are we rich enough to send everyone to college for free? Probably. Those that argue we dont "need to" might be right, but very few people "needed" even a 6th grade education 100 years ago.
· 6 years ago
There isn't money to build it though. If he were to do it under State of Emergancy, it would come from other programs, cutting into the VA, national parks,food assistance programs ect.
· 6 years ago
Trust me there is more than enough money to build it. Our federal budget is massive compared to what trump is asking for. However Congress refuses to allocate the money in the budget. Now whether you agree a wall is a worthy cause or not is a completely different conversation but we(as in the us government) have MORE than enough.
· 6 years ago
True, but they all have their own interests at heart and they choose to screw the poor and middle class first.
· 6 years ago
Not completely related but I only have 8 more months of student loan payments :) Thought I’d share my happiness.
· 6 years ago
guys...pst..guys..If the wall is built from student loan payments, that means it will be built by American tears, lol.
· 6 years ago
Compared to the governments 3.8 trillion a year budget the 5 billion requested would the same percentage as you asking some who makes 40,000 a year to give you $52.
· 6 years ago
Down vote all you want, it wont change the facts.
· 6 years ago
Its a mix of facts and opinion anytime it's about politics, I think the Mad Downvoter made the rounds again lol
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
You're looking at the gross amount though. What does that number look like after you've put money towards salaries, and necessary programs. 3.8 trillion goes quickly. So the question is what they're going to cut to give over those billions. And billions are billions
· 6 years ago
While that is true, the government spends billions of dollars every year on frivolous things like that bomber project they spent billions on only to scrap the idea. Point is the government has money at their disposal and could easily fund this without cuts to any programs. They just choose not to.
· 6 years ago
I mean if you choose to get a degree and then choose to take a loan in order to pay for that its your fault
· 6 years ago
The country is not drowning in student loan debt. Only some of the people who have chosen to take out student loans are drowning. Everyone had a choice, that's how freedom works.
· 6 years ago
Yeah, medical debt is a much bigger problem.
· 6 years ago
True. But should we be grateful that the medical assistance exists or should we upset that someone can help us and they have the audacity to demand compensation for their abilities.