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· 6 years ago
Where do you think he got the idea that those with bad genetics had family lines that died off?
· 6 years ago
Dang he was an anti-vaxer too?
· 6 years ago
He practiced what he preached
· 6 years ago
Funnfacts time: Darwin was in his late 50’s by the time genes were even discovered. Darwin did marry a first cousin. That wasn’t too uncommon. Einstein married his first cousin as well- FDR’s wife Eleanor? She didn’t even have to change her last name when they got married. She was already a Roosevelt. In fact, right up until the civil war cousin marrying was an accepted practice through much of history. In fact- even today in America the average marriage is between 7th cousins. But let’s look at the facts. A parent and child share about 50% DNA. First cousins share about 12%. The odds of a birth defect in a baby between first cousins is about 4-7% vs 3-4% in a less closely genetically related couple. The danger is that related people’s genes lack diversity, so bad genes will be copied which almost ensures that particular gene will fail in the offspring vs a genetically diverse mate who will provide a chance to pass a non affected copy of the “bad” gene.
· 6 years ago
However the “bad gene” in question may not be anything of consequence, or there may not effectively be any particularly flawed genes compared to any random sample of the population. In other words- marrying a first cousin does increase RISK to the offspring, but does not itself guarantee any ill effect to offspring. What becomes very dangerous though is when multiple generations of a family line have first cousins marrying first cousins. The risks increase exponentially with each subsequent pairing of closely related individuals. In the case of some royal lines, such inbreeding is thought to have produced uncles and nieces who’s genetic similarities would be that of sibling or parent and child. So your best bet is to try not to have a baby with anyone closely related to you- but it isn’t the end of the world or quite the extreme deal pop culture makes it out to be.
· 6 years ago
It is also a very common practice in Mideastern countries today.