I knew this kid in school that would sometimes blow his nose but he always did it so silently. It sounded like he was just exhaling loudly through his nose rather than trying to blow.
Every time he did it would piss me off because I was certain he wasn't getting anything out of there. Actually blow your fucking nose, boy. Don't just get up and breath into a tissue. If that actually works I'm patiently waiting on your method for sharpening a pencil quietly.
I can do both, and it actually works well. You basically push the pencil upwards a little, and press it with a bit more force onto the blade whilst rotating it a bit slower.
Every time he did it would piss me off because I was certain he wasn't getting anything out of there. Actually blow your fucking nose, boy. Don't just get up and breath into a tissue. If that actually works I'm patiently waiting on your method for sharpening a pencil quietly.