Funny thing about texts.
Some people SERIOUSLY have NO clue how to text properly.
So imagine you just woke up. Hubby is at work and you grab your phone like you do every morning. See what notifications piled up on funsub and who text and who called when you see a text from sweet hubby.
Which says
Hay you up
Guess not
Text me the minute you are up
We need to talk
Yeah that is a text he sent me. So I immediately feel with dread. O god what's wrong.
Turns out not a damn thing is wrong. He just wanted to tell me he was going to take 2 extra days off for our vacation next week by moving his days off around. I say:
O.o ok is there anything else?
He says o yeah do you want taco Bell for dinner?
I start picturing him like this (x-x)
Yeah so he does this alot
He says we need to talk as if it is going to be bad news.
But get this when he does have bad news he just flat out says it.
Your Dog dead
You have cancer
Just flat lmfao as if what ever
Sometimes he does have bad news so I never safe
Some people SERIOUSLY have NO clue how to text properly.
So imagine you just woke up. Hubby is at work and you grab your phone like you do every morning. See what notifications piled up on funsub and who text and who called when you see a text from sweet hubby.
Which says
Hay you up
Guess not
Text me the minute you are up
We need to talk
Yeah that is a text he sent me. So I immediately feel with dread. O god what's wrong.
Turns out not a damn thing is wrong. He just wanted to tell me he was going to take 2 extra days off for our vacation next week by moving his days off around. I say:
O.o ok is there anything else?
He says o yeah do you want taco Bell for dinner?
I start picturing him like this (x-x)
Yeah so he does this alot
He says we need to talk as if it is going to be bad news.
But get this when he does have bad news he just flat out says it.
Your Dog dead
You have cancer
Just flat lmfao as if what ever
Sometimes he does have bad news so I never safe