that faaaarrr below his pay grade to know anything about.
· 6 years ago
So quit. Welcome to America- the land of the free. @bethorien I don’t think an allegation of that severity is below the CEO, but I do believe the whiners are welcome to leave and go find another job where they’re not “mistreated”. Because the US doesn’t have a workforce of 250,000,000 and there are no other options.
There will always be someone grateful for that job once you vacate it.
His job is to make sure the company continues to make money. He also has to work with a board of directors and trying to pay workers more would piss them the fuck off. Also if he gave up his entire pay to give to the workers he would stop getting anything and the workers would get less than a dollar extra a year.
As I said to someone else, go retake economics 101
he has overarching control. He says he wants something done in a far more broad sense and it will likely get done. He does however still have to make the people with lots of money involved (IE the board and such) happy or shit hits the fan.
· 6 years ago
How did he "own" her? He doesn't even grasp what she said, and his reply just doesn't make sense. And of course he's out there again with his pathetic shtick how he's a scientist and an engineer... he's an investor. He gives people money to make him more money. It's not him who is caring for the welfare of 100,000 people, it's his employees who work for him and allow him to pay for his expensive boys toys and help him feed his ego by being a VIP with ridiculous hair plugs and an opinion on everything which people only listen to cause he's fucking rich.
I'll put it in simple terms for you. The girl stated he hoarded money. Elon owned her by stating how he generates employment for people, which then provides to their families, unlike the girl who probably only receives a paycheck and doesn't generate employment for other people or provide an income
· 6 years ago
People who cannot read shouldn't make comments on written statements.
Also, ironically, hammerhead said he missed her point when she actually missed his point. It is not that he thinks “billionaire” is a negative label. He just recognizes that it is commonly used that way in media.
I doubt Erin got government grants to persue her hobbies. Hobbies that had a track record of failure which would have bankrupted her without the government throwing vast sums of money at her. Guess we cant all be as lucky as Elon.
okayyyy but why is creating jobs a good thing?? you could just split your billions up and give the money to the people instead. no jobs involved. why don't they get to sit on their asses and attempt to live off the interest for a while?
i dont want a fucking job from a billionaire! i'd rather have the money thank you very much!
so you want someone that worked their way into their money to give you money so that you can never get off your ass and never contribute to society? why dont you just move to the east coast boonies and waste other people's money living off of welfare and faked disability like the moderately large minority there?
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
“Why is creating jobs a good thing” - why are people like you allowed to keep living? We could take the food, air, water and time you waste and give it to people who are that stupid... chances are every job you’ve ever had and every dollar you’ve ever used to continue funding your life has come from the value or economic stimulus created by s billionaire.
What a waste. You lower the IQ of a city block every time you open your mouth
There will always be someone grateful for that job once you vacate it.
As I said to someone else, go retake economics 101
i dont want a fucking job from a billionaire! i'd rather have the money thank you very much!
What a waste. You lower the IQ of a city block every time you open your mouth