When your partner asks for nothing on valentines day (fixed it)
5 years ago by downheight · 969 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
I got this as a birthday present for my brother but it was in different packaging
· 5 years ago
It’s sort of a meta horror. Like- why does a person ask for nothing? Common reasons include: 1. Reaching a certain point in life where you have enough security to buy what you want if it isn’t exorbitant. Meaning that you DO want things but aren’t going to ask people for presents that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. 2. Teaching a pint where you have enough stuff. You don’t want clutter and novelties and frivolities. 3. An opposition to flagrant consumerism and its trappings. 4. A desire to not have people spend hard earned money on you for things when being thought of is enough. 5. You’re environmentally conscious and see inherent waste. End: So this gift single handedly manages to undermine all those things. In the quest to give a gift which shows you appreciate and thing of a person you are likely giving them the gift most disaligned to their personality. An empty package to take up space that cost you money and will likely end up being gotten rid of as clutter. Humorous.
· 5 years ago
And Mark was never heard from again. Rumor has it that he‘s been in the hospital since last month