All relationships turn into some form of prostitution. Once she thinks that shes got you nailed down, the sex stops. It only happens once the other party does something for the other. "Give me a back rub and I'll do the sex with you." "Clean the bathroom and there might be something in it for you." Women never want sex as a "reward". Their reward is control. So PSA to all the men out there, reverse the roll and stop doing things women want in exchange for sex, their brains will break and they'll start having sex with you like the good ol days when you first got together. You stop doing things for them, the sex will stop, they'll feel like their losing control and presto, the random spontaneous sex will happen again.
@rosalinas yes, it has. No shame.
@sunflowers before you assume anything, wanna see my flat in the big city of St. Paul Mn? I'll fly you out. I'm not playing either. I've always liked you lmao
Just to prove that I won't kidnap you or anything, I'll book your trip back in advance. Leave your little uneventful life and come stay with a guy that's got "it all" except a woman that actually wants love and not to be "taken care of". Triple dog dare.
As flattering as this is—and I appreciate the compliments—I’m going to have to respectfully decline. We don’t know each other, I disagree with many of your political viewpoints, and most importantly, my parents would never allow this as long as they live. Furthermore, I’m rather content with my “little uneventful life,” The only times I feel unhappy are caused by my actual depression. So, if this suits you, how about we stick to FS? So, thank you, no thank you, and see you later!
My funsubstance "life" and "views" should not be viewed seriously through the internet. But that's too bad, we could have had a good time :(
· 6 years ago
1/2 @tbag2win as much as I hate to admit it, you’re not wrong. I’m looking forward to the typical band of passive aggressive fun-subbers who come along and downvote this unpopular comment- but it often feels like being a sociopathic manipulator is the only way to win in the North-American dating scene. Everything you described works exactly as described, but it also leaves you feeling like shit.
Speaking as someone who has literally trained himself to operate with as little emotion as possible, that’s really saying something. Frankly I prefer not to play the game than to play it that way, as easy as it is.
· 6 years ago
2/2 @tbag2win with that said however, you might want to get your head out of of your ass. Really? St. Paul Minnesota is a big place? Where did you grow up, North-West Montana?
You proposition random girls on the internet- who you like specifically because they seem like sweet decent people, right after making a comment that exposes the most devious, manipulative, dishonest inner workings of your mind? How dumb do you have to be man? Is that what you think would appeal to those girls?
Raise your standards, and stop being such a tool. Also, be careful who you burn with your nasty attitude. Somebody far more cruel and calculated will come along, and show you what real emotional torture looks like.
Lol I like you now @shikharizard I'm surprised you didn't catch where my sarcasm started but I guess through text comments that's a bit difficult so i don't blame you.
· 6 years ago
@tbag2win I still don’t like you. And don’t bullshit a bullshitter. Everyone under the sun knows you weren’t being sarcastic. Go back to high school, your brand of deception will still fly there. Grow up.
You truly believe I would have flew someone out to where I live? When I know nothing about that person at all? Maybe life has fucked you a little harder than it's fucked me for you to believe something like that. This is the internet if you've forgotten and you should never believe everything you see on it. Especially anything a shit talker has to say. This has been good entertainment for me though. I'm glad I got under your skin. That's what I'm here for and you fulfilled my kink for the day lol. May I ask why you're so easily angered over stuff you see on the internet?
· 6 years ago
@tbag2win I do truly believe it, I believe you’re desperate enough, and now so does everyone else. Congrats.
Life has tried its hardest to fuck me, thankfully it hasn’t succeeded often. What about it? Lol
I don’t usually kink-shame, but I’d make an exception for you. Regardless, it would take a much more than you to get under my skin. I cold-call for a living. Do they do that in the big city of St. Paul, or are you so busy “having it all” you need to ask me why I’m angry, when your oh-so-triggered? I’m angry because you’re a piece of shit, it’s not complicated. Why are you so angry? You were just being sarcastic right?
Yes, I would say entertained is what you sound. I said it before, you can keep trying to cover up your earliest mis-steps by claiming they were just “sarcasm”, or “shit talking” - but you’re not fooling anyone sweetheart. Don’t worry, you’ll get there one day.
Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, maybe you can fill it with your kink.
Ahahaha, I'm not angry at all, friend. Sweetheart though? I'm glad I could be awarded that title from you. You're not hurting me in any way, which in some twisted way after admitting that you're indeed angry has made me the winner here. I did what I set out to do. Get a reaction such as yours, but please, go ahead and say something else to further deepen that void. I can't wait to see what you have to say next lol
· 6 years ago
@tbag2win you’re welcome to the title. Apparently we both think we’ve won.. but you and I both know that’s not true. Everyone else knows it too. Another tip: this is not about winning.
I didn’t come here to hurt you. You’re a closet loser who wants so badly to be a big bad Alpha, but you’re stuck being beta and eats you. I get it.. but you never beat a dog unnecessarily, just enough to keep it in line. You’ve tried to save face, you haven’t, and that’s enough for me. Enjoying hurting you for the for the sake of it would be like beating up a little autistic boy. What kind of a person would that make me?
So I’m happy to continue snubbing you bro. Come back with some more half-baked response, trust me, this is the best part of my day. That says more about the quality of my day than it does about the quality of this conversation, but slapping around a little keyboard-bitch makes a nice break. So I am glad I’ve provided such a fulfilling response.
Obviously you want more?
"This is the best part of my day" you must not get out much I'm assuming. Closet loser? Lol what is that even? As far as being an "alpha" the terminology you use is a pin point indicator that you don't get out a lot. So I don't need any clarification in that regard. You live on the internet and probably have let a lot of life pass you by already. I've gathered enough to know you probably live alone or with your parents still, have a mediocre job, if even a job at all and spend what little spending money you do have on alcohol or some type of illicits to get you through another sad and miserable day of being alone. What would I know though? I'm just a "stuck beta" who hasn't gone anywhere in life and it "eats" me, right? Excuse me while I weep into my LV tie lmao. While you type your next comment to me, just know I'll probably be fine dining as "the best part of my day".
Y'all should just shut the hell up if you can't stay within the topic.
· 6 years ago
@tbag2win awww you think I live with my parents and I'm an alcoholic. You couldn't come up with better than that? I live on the internet? You offer to fly random girls to the big city of st Paul to see your flat, and how you "have it all" but I'm the loser on internet? Cute. Hilarious and adorable.
Please weep into your LV tie. Maybe you can get some taste when you finally get some class. Take your LV tie down to clubs in the grand metropolitan and try and talk to women in person. Itll be good practice for you to start. Everyone starts somewhere. Do they have fine dining in St Paul? Funny I hadn't noticed. Downtown Vancouver where I live has the 3rd most expensive real estate on the continent, and we trade top spot for the best food scene every year the bay area.
So since you hate gay people so much, slapping your faggot ass around in between calls, while I out earn you, at a much younger age really is the best part of my day. Enjoy your meal faggot.
The fact that you've gotten even more mad just proves that there's some truth in what I had to say lmao and I'm still astounded that you believe anything that I say when it's not directed at someone getting so butt hurt such as yourself. Also, I don't hate gay people at all hahahaha "slapping your faggot ass around between calls" I'm weak in the knees right now. I'm rolling at the fact that you've gone as far as to go through my profile. This was a great after breakfast read. Again, thank you for this. What will you come up with next? Lol hopefully something that involves the 3rd most largest real estate actually having anything to do with you. While I'm out making real money, I'll wait for whatever comes to your mind next "in between calls" haha call center crumb.
· 6 years ago
@tbag2win you didn't say anything worth responding to faggot.. what do you want me to say? And I said it before, but I'll reiterate for you simple mind. I'm not angry. I routinely speak with contempt for scum- it's a lifestyle choice, and I will keep coming back and responding to you like the trash that you are, but that's really all I have time for.
I'm sure you make "real money" out there in St Paul. I'm sure you do. And you're absolutely right, living and owning in my city has nothing to do with me. Nothing at all.
Your turn faggot.
You never said anything about owning anything, you just said Vancouver has the 3rd most expensive real estate which doesn't prove anything other than that the cost of living is much greater than in the US but I do understand it is for good reason and the tourist attractions must be off the wall as well. That still doesn't change the fact that you probably live in lower middle class poverty. What is it that you actually do for a living if you're "earning" more than me answering phones? Lol I have no problem telling you what I do, I buy and sell stocks and bonds 5 days a week, I make an average of $350 to $400 a day. That's not including days that there's a huge bull run in the market, my biggest profit in 1 day in the last year or so of doing this has been about $2,900 if I remember correctly. I also have a full time job in doing men and womens haircuts at a salon in the eastern suburbs outside of St. Paul which pays well in itself, I average about $200 a day doing that.
It's okay though, I understand the position you're in, I too use to be a useless crumb such as yourself, as long as you set your mind to it, anything is possible but since you're clearly the only "beta" /b/ro here and can only come up with calling me a "faggot" I can tell that you're nowhere near being an actual useful asset lol
· 6 years ago
Aww, thanks for understanding my position. Faggot. How was your “fine dining”, in the “big city”. “Having it all” sounds amazing. Is that how you became such a “faggot”?
You’re still a useless crumb. Faggot.
Edit: hahaha fuck meee, I just realized you commented twice. Did you seriously just share your income, and it’s like $400 a day? Are you fucking kidding me?
I make $200 a day on salary at my first job. My commission, this year (my first year) will average another $200 a day. My new job, my 2nd job, the one I’m switching to full-time in a couple of months, is an average of 4K a week, and I’m not stupid enough like you to leave behind my salary and make the jump to that, if it wasn’t real. The top guy last month cleared 14k after tax, and I make him look like an infant. Much like yourself.
Hahaha omg. That’s “real money” to you? You really are a faggot. And bro, I was clearing $600 a day 3 years ago in door-to-door. Consistently. My best day was $1600 then.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
This is so anticlimactic. I always knew you’re a pathetic little shit, but now I can quantify it. I was happy to come back and continue snubbing you- and I will just for the sake of consistency, but it would’ve been much more satisfying if you were actually successful.. now you’re just a loser who I’m picking on. That’s so so sad.. I hope you know what real money is one day. Loserrrrrr.
I made 1200 on my first day with them (this past Saturday) and remember my little infant, just because you can’t read I’ll clarify for you. I don’t answer calls, I call leads outbound. And that was less than 20 calls on a weekend half day. We’re moving the company to Panama in October to avoid tax. Bro, you just sucked the fun out of all of this...
I highly doubt you do anything of the sort, I'm sure that's what your dad does if he's even in your life judging by the angry comebacks you choose to dish out lol "now you're just a loser I'm picking on" hahaha you clearly do nothing that you say you do and it shows through your anger. If you were making anywhere near that amount, someone of your caliber wouldn't even be bothering with me or the mindless use of the word faggot like a 16 year old prepubescent boy. "We're moving to the company to Panama to avoid tax" a job that pays as much as you say is clearly not entry level and that would mean you're not young like you've stated earlier. So quit portraying yourself as this high end business man when you're clearly just a crumb trying to win an argument over the internet. What's the company name? How long did you go to school to get this job? How much tuition did it cost? Judging by the math, you're making 6 figures? Highly unlikely yet again. Yawnnn*
· 6 years ago
Over 6 figures faggot. It must "eat you" even more to know what a loser you really are in the grand scheme of things. And here I was thinking I was nowhere in life, still on ground zero, and I'm already out-earning your hateful twisted ass. Love it. I'm 25, 26 in June. And I'm not even earning as much now as I was at 23.
Good thing your doubt doesn't reduce my income. Hahaha faggot.
I'm assuming you're a "sales lead" if you even do have an actual job lol and I'm sorry to inform you only an idiot would believe anything you're saying lol if that's indeed what you do, you're making 40k at best a year, nice try. This "faggot" is done here hahaha, have fun earning "6 figures" being a sales lead crumb. Lmao
· 6 years ago
Awww, you said I'm making 40k a year. That MUST make it true! Why are you done, because I out-earn you? Really? You should want to spend more time with people who are better than you- that's how you get ahead little faggot. I shared how old I am, why don't you share how old you are? I'd like to be able to tell my friends I out-earn a stock-broker who lives in the HUUGE city of St. Paul and tries to fly girls on the internet in because he can't score in real-life. On second thought.. maybe not. That sounds pathetic.
I do have fun making 6 figures. It sounds like you make close to it too- it is fun isn't it?
P.S. there's a channel on YouTube called Gentleman's Gazette. Now, you're not a gentleman, but there isn't a channel called Pathetic Little Shit's Gazette, so we'll have to make do. In the future I recommend not wasting your meager income on LV clothing- you look like a tool and people who know better do notice. The channel can teach you how to dress.
Must you both use such offensive language? There are plenty of LGBT people on this website, myself included, who don't appreciate anti-gay slurs
· 6 years ago
No, I mustn’t, and I typically don’t. But our resident homophobe hates it despite the fact that he’ll claim it doesn’t bother him, so I’m happy to use it against him.
As long as there’s no hate in my heart, it’s worth it.
/b/ro the average sales lead in the US and Canada makes roughly 40k a year, by the numbers you gave me, you were claiming to make 6 figures. Which is completely false. No sales lead makes over 100k in a salary position. Not even ones selling medical equipment in bulk to government facilities. Seriously I have better things to do than sit here and listen to you lie out your ass lol if you took basic economics which you'd have to take in order to even get into sales you'd know that. Gg tho, I'll let you win since it's clearly so important to you haha and @sunflowers I'm not a homophobe lmao he stalked a convo I had on a different post and just used it to justify his anger, if he actually read it in full, he would have seen I was messing around with a member of LGBT who knew I wasn't serious at all.
Nobody uses the word faggot unless they're mad, and as you can tell, he is clearly mad. But I'm sure he'll keep commenting, I'm sorry for antagonizing this specimen and I'll end it here.
· 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
But I’m rambling. Are you so blinded by ego, that it’s infeasible to you that someone - even theoretically, since I know your bitch ass can’t accept it - might have a business model, or be part of a business model on the fast-track? Even a small, temporary money-making scheme? Dude, you should be ashamed. Not of the fact that you’re a pathetic shit, you can’t help that. But I’d be humiliated if I was a stock broker making a little over 6. People assume you clear 300+, especially when you’re talking about “having it all”. Wtf is all? One apartment and a sports car? You’re in unamibitous little faggot too..
@sunflowers before you assume anything, wanna see my flat in the big city of St. Paul Mn? I'll fly you out. I'm not playing either. I've always liked you lmao
Speaking as someone who has literally trained himself to operate with as little emotion as possible, that’s really saying something. Frankly I prefer not to play the game than to play it that way, as easy as it is.
You proposition random girls on the internet- who you like specifically because they seem like sweet decent people, right after making a comment that exposes the most devious, manipulative, dishonest inner workings of your mind? How dumb do you have to be man? Is that what you think would appeal to those girls?
Raise your standards, and stop being such a tool. Also, be careful who you burn with your nasty attitude. Somebody far more cruel and calculated will come along, and show you what real emotional torture looks like.
Life has tried its hardest to fuck me, thankfully it hasn’t succeeded often. What about it? Lol
I don’t usually kink-shame, but I’d make an exception for you. Regardless, it would take a much more than you to get under my skin. I cold-call for a living. Do they do that in the big city of St. Paul, or are you so busy “having it all” you need to ask me why I’m angry, when your oh-so-triggered? I’m angry because you’re a piece of shit, it’s not complicated. Why are you so angry? You were just being sarcastic right?
Yes, I would say entertained is what you sound. I said it before, you can keep trying to cover up your earliest mis-steps by claiming they were just “sarcasm”, or “shit talking” - but you’re not fooling anyone sweetheart. Don’t worry, you’ll get there one day.
Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, maybe you can fill it with your kink.
I didn’t come here to hurt you. You’re a closet loser who wants so badly to be a big bad Alpha, but you’re stuck being beta and eats you. I get it.. but you never beat a dog unnecessarily, just enough to keep it in line. You’ve tried to save face, you haven’t, and that’s enough for me. Enjoying hurting you for the for the sake of it would be like beating up a little autistic boy. What kind of a person would that make me?
So I’m happy to continue snubbing you bro. Come back with some more half-baked response, trust me, this is the best part of my day. That says more about the quality of my day than it does about the quality of this conversation, but slapping around a little keyboard-bitch makes a nice break. So I am glad I’ve provided such a fulfilling response.
Obviously you want more?
Please weep into your LV tie. Maybe you can get some taste when you finally get some class. Take your LV tie down to clubs in the grand metropolitan and try and talk to women in person. Itll be good practice for you to start. Everyone starts somewhere. Do they have fine dining in St Paul? Funny I hadn't noticed. Downtown Vancouver where I live has the 3rd most expensive real estate on the continent, and we trade top spot for the best food scene every year the bay area.
So since you hate gay people so much, slapping your faggot ass around in between calls, while I out earn you, at a much younger age really is the best part of my day. Enjoy your meal faggot.
I'm sure you make "real money" out there in St Paul. I'm sure you do. And you're absolutely right, living and owning in my city has nothing to do with me. Nothing at all.
Your turn faggot.
You’re still a useless crumb. Faggot.
Edit: hahaha fuck meee, I just realized you commented twice. Did you seriously just share your income, and it’s like $400 a day? Are you fucking kidding me?
I make $200 a day on salary at my first job. My commission, this year (my first year) will average another $200 a day. My new job, my 2nd job, the one I’m switching to full-time in a couple of months, is an average of 4K a week, and I’m not stupid enough like you to leave behind my salary and make the jump to that, if it wasn’t real. The top guy last month cleared 14k after tax, and I make him look like an infant. Much like yourself.
Hahaha omg. That’s “real money” to you? You really are a faggot. And bro, I was clearing $600 a day 3 years ago in door-to-door. Consistently. My best day was $1600 then.
I made 1200 on my first day with them (this past Saturday) and remember my little infant, just because you can’t read I’ll clarify for you. I don’t answer calls, I call leads outbound. And that was less than 20 calls on a weekend half day. We’re moving the company to Panama in October to avoid tax. Bro, you just sucked the fun out of all of this...
Good thing your doubt doesn't reduce my income. Hahaha faggot.
I do have fun making 6 figures. It sounds like you make close to it too- it is fun isn't it?
P.S. there's a channel on YouTube called Gentleman's Gazette. Now, you're not a gentleman, but there isn't a channel called Pathetic Little Shit's Gazette, so we'll have to make do. In the future I recommend not wasting your meager income on LV clothing- you look like a tool and people who know better do notice. The channel can teach you how to dress.
As long as there’s no hate in my heart, it’s worth it.
Nobody uses the word faggot unless they're mad, and as you can tell, he is clearly mad. But I'm sure he'll keep commenting, I'm sorry for antagonizing this specimen and I'll end it here.