Not being able to feel or use ones extremities does not mean they become invincible. One can still lose body heat through them. One can get bug bites, wounds, infections, sun burn, frost bite, etc. There are other environmental factors like physical hazards shoes help protect from, and of course being close to the ground and near spinning wheels shoes help keep feet clean (wear Sandler’s and walk around a day, look at your feel- then walk the same path in closed shoes and do the same.) The feet still need protected- arguably more so in persons who lack feeling because they cannot tell when they are being injured or when something is “wrong” such as infected tissue which can spread and lead to death or other health problems. It’s also appreciated by many people in public as in many cultures having exposed feet can be considered rude or otherwise socially uncomfortable. So it’s practical and logical.
· 6 years ago
"I dunno Wheels, why are you such a burden on your family?"
Telling someone smoking is bad or they should quit smoking is ridiculous.
Why? Bc it's pointless. The thing you say is already said by a million people before and the person knows it already.
You think they gonna stop cause you say so? Who do you think to are?
If you're uncomfortable with people doing something, just ask them politely "excuse me, the cigarettes smoke makes me uncomfortable, can you smoke some other time maybe?"
Bad habits can not be changed by anyone but the person themselves.
Why? Bc it's pointless. The thing you say is already said by a million people before and the person knows it already.
You think they gonna stop cause you say so? Who do you think to are?
If you're uncomfortable with people doing something, just ask them politely "excuse me, the cigarettes smoke makes me uncomfortable, can you smoke some other time maybe?"
Bad habits can not be changed by anyone but the person themselves.