Me and my 12 year-old cat Princess 28 comments
· 5 years ago
Hello Princess, I'd die for you
It’s snowing in Australia! 2 comments
I'm sorry, I promise I'll stop spamming my pictures after this 107 comments
· 5 years ago
Aaaah... the ignorance of youth xD @nicengelman thank goodness too, I'm not even 30 and I hate how the youth of today can be (I'm a small angry old lady trapped in the body of a small 28 y/o lol)
@mostlyghostly06 theres a YUUUUGE difference between giving an honest opinion and being a complete biatch, you've done the latter. Learn from this young padawan.
Edited 5 years ago
@mostlyghostly06 theres a YUUUUGE difference between giving an honest opinion and being a complete biatch, you've done the latter. Learn from this young padawan.
I'm sorry, I promise I'll stop spamming my pictures after this 107 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm super jeli of you Mia! Not just because you're super duper gorgeous but you can open your eyes underwater! I still need goggles LMAO
Scientists simply hypothosize 38 comments
· 5 years ago
The biggest problem with the "Fat Acceptance Movement" is that it normalises being fat/obese, which is in itself very dangerous let alone for our future generations. By that token of what you said about them accepting the consequences of their lifestyle shouldn't they then relinquish the right to medical help with medical problems they've brought upon themselves with their shitty lifestyle choices, rather than further burdening the system especially if they're not willing to help themselves and will keep on making their terrible choices?
Scientists simply hypothosize 38 comments
· 5 years ago
Doctors: "obesity causes cancer"
Fat Acceptance Movement: "STOP FAT SHAMING US!"
Fat Acceptance Movement: "STOP FAT SHAMING US!"
Shots fired 109 comments
· 5 years ago
A lot of news sources outside of the US are still legitimate you know. As @fell_equinox said it's up to the individual to fact check using multiple sources etc.
Shots fired 109 comments
· 5 years ago
Not everyone relies on Twitter for their news or sources, like I dont cus I dont have Twitter and instead I have common sense lol
Nero's transformation depicted in his coins 5 comments
This ain't possible 6 comments
· 5 years ago
@guest_ I totally get what you mean and to a point I agree with you, but with this woman I think it's a bit different than what comparisons you've been using as where she is a nutritionist she KNOWS what is good and bad for her nutritionally including portion sizing and she quite obviously doesn't take her own advice even though there's no reason why she couldn't or shouldn't and because of this it makes her a huge hypocrite. If you don't practice what you preach your words are worth shit all.
We need Jonathan Wickington on the scene asap 54 comments
We need Jonathan Wickington on the scene asap 54 comments
· 5 years ago
Well if course you can't, it's still a knife lol.
Dude even pepper spray is illegal here
( -_- )
I understand making weapons illegal but pepper spray? It's for self defence
Edited 5 years ago
Dude even pepper spray is illegal here
( -_- )
I understand making weapons illegal but pepper spray? It's for self defence
We need Jonathan Wickington on the scene asap 54 comments