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· 6 years ago
I used to game on an old laptop with no dedicated graphics card it sucked but it was the best i could have at the time mostly i just played ut '99 and rct2 almost anything newer than that and it had issues
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I was playing CSGO with a guy just an hour or two ago with a guy who was on intel HD graphics. Poor sap didn’t stand a chance
· 6 years ago
I run Intel HD graphics and get CSGO just fine. Just Cause 3 gives me 25-30 fps no prop. The trick is to have enough ram.
· 6 years ago
why the hell would you wait through just cause 3's loading screens, how is any game worth that at all, my dedicated gaming rig still takes 30 minutes to an hour to load up the game from launch.
· 6 years ago
Doesn't take too long for me. Maybe about 10 seconds of waiting. The worst part is the frames are locked with the speed of the gameplay.