Tell that to the stupid rugby players who ask a random person (no medical background, nothing) to strap them up, then come to us after with weird injuries. Like, dude, it's better to just leave it at that point. Some rando might make it MUCH worse, and then we have to deal with your stupid mistakes. Nah brah.
My mum once asked me to tape her like that, and I was very hesistant and only did so with the help of a tutorial video, I tried to be as precise as possible. It did actually help her :)
See, that's the thing. You actually tried by watching some information or reading how to do it.
This particular guy pulled rank and asked a random junior student, who was completely unprepared, to tape him up. He apparently said "I'm your senior, so you have to do it." and "it's fine, it's not that difficult, just strap it however you think, I have to go play now", after some back-and-forth the kid did it reluctantly.
He came off the field not even 10 minutes later, having pulled/torn some weird ass muscle due to his arrogance regarding strapping.
Turns out he didn't care that there's a method, and just went for it.
Not gonna lie, he deserved his pulled muscle.
This particular guy pulled rank and asked a random junior student, who was completely unprepared, to tape him up. He apparently said "I'm your senior, so you have to do it." and "it's fine, it's not that difficult, just strap it however you think, I have to go play now", after some back-and-forth the kid did it reluctantly.
He came off the field not even 10 minutes later, having pulled/torn some weird ass muscle due to his arrogance regarding strapping.
Turns out he didn't care that there's a method, and just went for it.
Not gonna lie, he deserved his pulled muscle.